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Canonical flows 1 | openfoam: boundary layer, inflation layers, meshing
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About the Canonical Flows 1 | OpenFOAM: boundary layer, inflation layers, meshing Project
In this video I go over some boundary layer theory and why inflation layers are important. This is done by setting up a boundary layer case in openfoam where the mesh is the inflation layers above a flat plate. This case has been set-up to explore the boundary layer “canonical flow”. I show you how to compute inflation layer parameters (number of cells, growth ratio, first cell height) from initial conditions (velocity, kinematic viscosity, skin friction coefficient, etc..) and desired y+ (yplus) and provide a python code for this. OpenFOAM case parameters mesh: blockMesh solver: pisoFoam turbulence model: kOmega - GitHub Files: https://github.com/Interfluo/OpenFOAM-Cases-Interfluo/tree/main/Canonical-Flows/boundaryLayer - BlockMesh grading calculator: https://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Scripts/blockMesh_grading_calculation - Turbulent Inlet properties calculator: https://www.fluidmechanics101.com/pages/tools.html - Inflation Layer Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gSHN99I7L4&t=2s
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July 30th, 2021 Uploaded
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Aerospace Mechanical Engineering Educational Programming Aerodynamics Analysis CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering Fluid Dynamics Physics OpenFOAM Mesh
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